Weekly Status 2015-05-11

Post date: May 11, 2015 5:45:51 PM

1) AC Enterprises successfully completed the mock-up window repair and water test of a unit 105 window. A concrete spall above the window was repaired. There were no leaks through the concrete or new sealant, or the spall repair, but the window itself did leak at two locations. Both leaks were gasket issues at operable windows. Derek estimates that all operable windows require tune-ups, with new bulb gaskets; he’s added that to the scope.

2) Derek is waiting for the repair invoice from ACE to see time costs for the repair. Lee has contacted ACE to get the invoice.

3) The formal Water Test Field Report is available on our site.

4) Bid docs will be complete by the end of this week. Derek expects to distribute them starting next Monday. Current contractors include ACE and Saarman; Derek will choose two more. Contractors will get about a week to respond (Memorial Day occurs during the response period). Derek and MCA will review the bids and clarify any misunderstandings. Once he has final bids, he’ll forward them to the HOA and we’ll schedule contractor interviews. I believe we should target the first week in June for contractor selection complete.

5) Work complete in October (rainy season start) is still on track. Contractor start dates could be an issue. Everyone is busy.

6) Derek doesn’t need anything from the HOA at this time. He’s added the following to repair scope:

Window tune up for operable windows at concrete walls.

Provide specs for rear patio doors ( Milguard vinyl C 40)

Provide details for pans at rear patio doors.

Pan detail at window door combos at ground level.

Provide bid form:

Include testing of (2) windows at unit 401

Examine all penetrations through metal siding re-caulk if necessary.